
2024 Melbourne MS Walk Run + Roll


Can you imagine waking up one day unable to do the everyday things you would usually take for granted? Like not being able to see properly (or at all), unable to get out of bed, walk to the phone to call someone – anyone – or live a life without pain?

All of a sudden, your world has changed.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and often debilitating disease which attacks the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves). It is the most common neurological disease in young adults and often attacks people at a time in their lives when they are planning families and building a career. Three out of four people living with MS are women.

With your support, we can allow people living with multiple sclerosis access to vital support services, like MS Connect, MS Peer Support and MS Employment Support Programs. We’ll also be helping bring new treatments closer to reality, investing in repairing myelin damage to restore function that has been lost for people with progressive forms of the disease.

On behalf of over 33,300 Aussies living with multiple sclerosis – THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Our Achievements



John Giannopoulos

Bravo Dayna Mou




Max Yeo




Ivan P


The Birds

We'll walk with you, great support.


Jacob Babics




Geoff Babics


Vicki Babics


Di Thomas

Always thinking of you Dayna, and you're an inspiration Desi xx



Forever proud!


Roseanne Holliday

Sending love your way.


Georgie Tzouvelis



Martha Filippas

Go girl. Thinking of you both.


Tina Savvas

Wishing you all the best ❤️


Meri & Mum

Love that you care so much but if you keep sending me donation requests I am going to be homeless lol. Very proud of you and your caring nature. It is a great cause xoxo


Konstance Terzis

Go Biatch Go You little mighty one!!


Julianne Slevison

Proud of you Ole a good cause. Xx jules


Angela Papapoulia


Con Nicola


Kat Angelofsky


Lisa Minett



Thank you for supporting those who live with MS


Janine Mitchell

Well done Ole - just a great thing to be able to raise awareness and contribute in such a positive way. Go you!


Bernie Robinson

Good luck Ole x


Joanne Royston

Wishing you all the best Dayna xx




Olga Triandos

Well done Katrina, great cause xx


Ezra Mensch



Hey simp, you got this! Thinking of you all the way from Germany ;)


Chris Papas

To the worst karaoke singer I know. Much love ❤️❤️❤️ Papas


Theodora Lontos


Max Ianna



Alana Ryan

Such an incredible and worthy cause. Good luck on your journey for raising funds and awareness!


Franc Renzi

Good luck Dayna


Paulene Gibson

Sending mountains of love 💖🌈🌻


Dog Lovers

Panko you golden boi well done and enjoy your walk <3


Jovita Exposto


Nicole Galli


Zhanna Kuperman

Admire your courage, determination and positivity on living your life to the full. Well done :)


Louise Cicala


Charlotte & David

You rock gf!!! MS but make it iconic ✨


Elly Michailidis

We love you Thia Dayna ♥️ Perry and Max


Zoran Tran

Yo! Get them steps 💪


Ivan Verx

Amazing Work!


Anne Tzouvelis

Well Done Dayna! You are smashing it :)


Zino Lentini


Victoria Argyropoulos




Stylianos Spyrou

A good person doing something for a good cause with a good group. It'll be a great day.


Maria Dima


Eliana, Johnny & Christian


Mason Bowden


Grace Hanlan


Doggy Lover

Chilli you are a champion. You’re the best supporter for Dayna


Sid Mandis

Love you sm!!!


Scope Protective & Data Solutions

Dayna and Desi we are supporting you all the way 🤩


Stefan Tsagaris

Inspiring stuff to spread awareness and empower anyone else living with MS :)


Efstathia Lazari

You’ve got this Dayna. We love you. Love, Kyp, Ef & Rossi! Xx


Julia Triantafillou

Hand in hand ❤️ love you


Lani Costa


Nikki Spyrou


Giulia Premier

Good luck thinking of you!❤️


Isabella Wilson

Love you Dayna 💗💗💗 so proud of you!!!



Love you so much Dayna! Here for you all the way


Patrick De Santis


Johnno Callea


Lucas Callea

We will always be here for you Daynz ❤️


De.santis Family

Love you heaps sweetheart xxx


Samuel Tzuntzurkas


Paris Moschovitis



The Stamas







So much love for ya Daynz! See you on the 19th for a spicy walk ❤️


Angie, Tygue And Tierns Llewellyn

Stay strong Dayna, we love you so much 💪❤️❤️


Katrina Triandos


Voula & Ange Papathanasiou

Wishing you all the very best gorgeous girl. You got this. Love you and proud of you 💖


Amma B


Ole Royston


Kosmatos Crew

You've got this darling girl! Love you loads, Nouna, Nouno, Stasa and Angel H.. Xoxo


Mel Robinson


Hanin Yousif


Joseph Iannantuono

Love you Dayna ❤️💪


Hanin Yousif


Sarah And Petar

we love you so much 🤍 day by day sis


Isabella Iannantuono

Can’t wait to join you on this walk Bella, keep smashing it! Love you so much ❤️❤️❤️


Aria Varvarigos


Sienna Babics


Aria Varvarigos

Good luck agape xx love you


Paryce Llewellyn


Jonathan Giannopoulos


Desi Giannopoulos


Konstantina Giannopoulos

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