MS Plus is here so no one has to face MS alone.

MS Plus offers a suite of services and support to help minimise the impact of living with multiple sclerosis, while the search for a cure continues. This includes support in referral advice and information, everyday tips and tricks, education, emotional support, wellbeing support, symptom management, opportunities to connect with others, employment support, living arrangement support, individual assessment and NDIS and My Aged Care support.

The funds that you raise ensure that people living with multiple sclerosis get the vital support they need to meet their goals and live well, and ensure that no one has to face MS alone.

1 in 3 Australians will be directly impacted by multiple sclerosis

The funds that you raise ensure that people living with multiple sclerosis get the vital support they need to meet their goals and live well, and ensure that no one has to face MS alone.

Here’s what you and thousands of like-minded fundraisers make possible.

Your generosity has helped achieve some extraordinary results in the past year

16,328 connections through Plus Connect, providing information and emotional support for people at every step of their journey with MS

The expansion of our allied health and plan management supports, delivering 229,286 NDIS services across all MS Plus services

52,878 hours of Plus Support Coordination provided to australians living with MS in 2023 

126,630 hours of care provided through Plus Residential and Plus Respite services at Beverly Hills in NSW and Watsonia and Williamstown in VIC

8,953 hours of Plus Exercise Physiology to help patients manage and maintain their physical wellbeing throughout their journey with MS

Attending the MS Gym on a regular basis has allowed me to meet others in a similar position to myself and to discuss helpful aspects of this disease, while having a laugh. While attending the MS Gym I am assured that I am able to use the correct equipment and receive advice suitable to my needs.


I honestly don’t know how I managed before my MS Occupational Therapist came into my life and started helping me navigate the difficulties that come with having MS.
