Kellie Yeow

2024 Melbourne MS Walk Run + Roll


Can you imagine waking up one day unable to do the everyday things you would usually take for granted? Like not being able to see properly (or at all), unable to get out of bed, walk to the phone to call someone – anyone – or live a life without pain?

All of a sudden, your world has changed.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and often debilitating disease which attacks the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves). It is the most common neurological disease in young adults and often attacks people at a time in their lives when they are planning families and building a career. Three out of four people living with MS are women.

With your support, we can allow people living with multiple sclerosis access to vital support services, like MS Connect, MS Peer Support and MS Employment Support Programs. We’ll also be helping bring new treatments closer to reality, investing in repairing myelin damage to restore function that has been lost for people with progressive forms of the disease.

On behalf of over 33,300 Aussies living with multiple sclerosis – THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

My Achievements

My Updates

Welcome Diane!

Saturday 4th May
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Diane who has joined my team! 
Diane and I met recently at MS Family Camp which is funded by the MS Read-a-thon through MS Australia. 
We were invited back to MS Camp this year as Family Mentors and were incredibly lucky to meet other amazing people and families with MS, just like Diane. Diane is a powerhouse so we are going to smash this goal! 

Thank you again to those who have donated and supported this worthy cause. We would love those who are local to come cheer us on if you are free too! The countdown in on! 🙌🏻

Just under 4 weeks to go!

Thursday 25th Apr
Hi Everyone,

Again, I cannot thank you all enough for your support. With your help, I have raised enough to support access to MS Nurses which are a crucial support, especially in the early days of diagnosis. 

Next Tuesday is my diagnosis anniversary. My family and I acknowledge and celebrate this day as it was the day my life changed, my perspective changed and we truly started living “in the moment”. It has been 3yrs since I was diagnosed and I am so proud of all that I have achieved since that life changing day. 
Just 12months ago, I would have struggled to walk 5kms, but with hard work and determination, I can easily walk 5km and I’m PUMPED! ❤️

So close!!!

Sunday 25th Feb
Hey everyone,
Thank you so much again for your support along with my journey though MS. It is almost 3yrs now since I was diagnosed and there are days where I forget that I am carrying this incurable disease around with me. It is through the right supports and shear hard work that I am where I am now. 

Looking forward to May and I’m confident we can smash past my $ goal, we are so close already!!! 

Let’s do this! 🙌🏻

Thank you, thank you!!!!

Thursday 8th Feb

I am just blown away by all of the generosity and support within the last 24hrs! 

We are half way to our goal already!!! Honestly, I am so grateful to each and every one of you. ❤️

Let’s keep on going! 🙌🏻




Therese Damen

Go well Kellie



Good on you Kellie!


Veronica And Bobby Yeow

Very proud of you!! Love mum and dad


Denise Soupe-ograk

You've got this Kellie!


Rudo Banya

What a wonderful cause. Glad you have reached your target.



Hope this helps kellie


Terri Stevens-hewett



Hello Dear


Val Moylan

So proud of everything you do! Love you big heaps xxx


Jelica Gal




Patrick Dale


Elena Huynh



You're an absolute inspiration x


Anthony Prigent

What a great cause and a very inspiring and courageous story you have. Well done :)


Spiros Mouzakitis

Sending you much much positive energy and love from Greece!




Grace Perrott

Amazing Kellie 👏💪


Sandra Inserra

You are a beautiful and stong woman Kellie. Best of luck with this mammoth task, you are inspiring!



So glad you are able to do this!


Diane James

Go well Kellie!!


Susan Mcintyre

Good on you Kellie. You are very inspirational.


Therese Damen


Shanell Kuka

So proud of you Kellie :)


Daniel Warring

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