Hannah Spradley

2024 Sydney MS Walk Run + Roll

Riding the Waves: My Journey with Multiple Sclerosis

In September 2022, life threw me a curve ball in the form of an early diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Initially I was swept up in a whirlwind of emotions, from fear and uncertainty to anger and disbelief but as time goes on, I find myself adjusting to this new reality. Im incredibly grateful for the support system I have - friends, family and even strangers who have become allies in this fight. As I continue this journey I'm reminded that MS may be a part of my story, but it doesn't define me. I refuse to let it hold me back from living life to the fullest. 

Through this fundraiser, I aim to shed light on MS and the challenges faced by those living with the condition. Every donation, no matter how big or small, will make a difference in the lives of those impacted by MS. Together we can rally against this chronic illness, offering hope and support to those who need it most. 

My Achievements



Dianne Adamson

Sending you lots of love and good health 😘


Gemma Prest


Justin Arkley


Craig & Anne Spradley

We are so proud of you Hannah. xx


Joan Spradley

Good luck Hannah. So proud of you xx


Stephen Kuipers


Therese Lambourne

Go Hannah!


Brooks Matched




Catarina Schamps


Brittany Garside


Highgrove Bathrooms Mile End


Laura Cannon

Good luck chick. Love you 🩷


Tom Pullin


Lester Welham


Karen Sawyer


Leanne Poole

Good luck


Soraya Wheatley


Soraya Wheatley


Highgrove Bathrooms Coffs Harbour


Megan Wheatley

Wishing you all the best with the walk and the fundraising! You are amazing!


Highgrove Canberra


Amanda Gould

Stay strong! xxx


Chloe Smith

Wishing you all the best Hannah!


Ben Crosland




Lynn Bain

Go girl - Om Mani Padme Hum


Gillian Daniels


Sandra Cosgrove

Good luck with your fundraising Hannah. You have amazing support around you. Take care xx


Sandra Pitsikas

Stay strong


Virginia Walker


Lisa Bartel



Jerome Hough

I appreciate all the hard work you have done over the years and I’m very inspired by your efforts on this campaign!


Brooke Leslie


Pam And Steve Arkley

Hannah, You amaze us with your strength and determination to fight this disease. Keep living your life to the fullest and know we are always here for you.


Beth Wright


Karen Maxwell

You are awesome Hanna. You go girl!


Sara Richardson

You’re strength and courage is an inspiration my beautiful bestfriend. Keep on doing you! Love you lots. I will be walking 10km on the 26th May on the opposite side of Oz. Lets do this🩷


Maria Richardson

You are a strong woman Hannah.You've got this.🩷🌸🙌🏻




Beccie Williams


Lyn And Steve Nancarrow

Love you Hannah 🤍🤍🤍You are amazing !


Nicole Yates

Good luck with your fundraising Hannah. You are amazing ❤️


Will Mcdonald


Lyndall Bates

All the best to you Hannah


Ethan Callingham

You go girl


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